Sunday, April 27, 2014

2014 Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival 5k

Kassi Harmon
Place: 1st female, 4th overall
Time: 19:22, AP 6:14

I really enjoyed running the half marathon last year here. Kendall puts together a great event from the awesome sponsors, to organized schedule, to many included activities at Thanksgiving Point, and a well marked course.  This year was no different, even with the rain. I ran the 5k this year and loved it.

My goal was to run a good tempo effort. The first mile seemed slightly up, the second mile was a mix of flat, and then up/down with tight turns in the gardens, and then finished with a nice down hill and flat to the finish.  I started out 10th and came into 4th place after the first mile.  I stayed in 4th as the top 3 Sojourner guys duked it out, pulling further and further away.

My splits were 6:21 6:21 6:00 :37.  I didn't run with a Garmin, I just went off the mile markers.

Soon after thd race the rain picked up and it got colder, so I was glad to be done after a short cool down.

There were some great performances by the Runners Corner Sojourners men and women!  I had a great time and hope to be back in the half next year.

Sorry no pictures

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