Thursday, October 9, 2014

Charger Challenge 5k Fun Run

Charger Challenge 5k Fun Run

Place 1st
Time:???? 16:03?????

So this was my first race back from my deathly sinus infection.  SIDEBAR--Thanks to apostle Russel M Nelson giving me an Apostolic blessing of health to get me back into running form.  No antibiotic needed just the power of GOD---Thanks to the Lord.

Well now that I have my renewed powers of running I figured--hey lets do a road race without running for 2 weeks.

I felt awesome the first 2 miles but the last half I hit a mega a wall. I think some one yelling splits had my two mile a 9:48 and I was feeling great but I  basically turned into fat oprah whenI rounded the final turn.  I wouldn't be surpised if I lost 30 seconds on the last half.  Goes to show a base of running is crucial.  The sickness stole my base but left me some speed.

Well enough about myself. The charger challenge was well put together, they had a mess up with registration at the start but they should be able to refine those things for next year.  They did an ok job with prizes.  I talked with the race director afterwards and they hope to branch outward and get some good raffle prizes.

Definately one to do next year. the course if flat and fast.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Way to come back! Too bad you weren't well enough to come to Trail 51 & defend your title! ;(