Monday, April 20, 2015

Salt Lake City Marathon - Mike Nelson

Place Overall: 1
Time: 2:33:41

Fritz suggested I do this one after Striders Half. I knew I didn't have the training to run a great time (for me) but I decided last minute to give it a go.

I caravanned up to the finish line with Ty and some of the other Utah Race Pacers at 5:00am. We got on Trax to get to the starting line and got up there at 6:40. I didn't have time for much other than getting my racing shoes on and jogging to the starting line.

I was surprised to find I didn't know many people at the starting line. I recognized Patrick Smyth and was grateful I wouldn't be racing him!

I ran the first part of the race with Chris Lundberg who was racing the half. I took it easy up the first few hills and just tried to stay relaxed through the declines down to the Capitol. My stomach was not happy and I was regretting the bowl of cereal I had 2 hours prior.

The full course splits off at mile 9 and we start heading uphill towards Sugar House park. I slowed down a bit up the hills and saw my first splits above 6:00, hoping they'd be my last. I caught a glimpse of Daniel and Noah during the out-and-back in Sugar house. They were about 1 minute behind.

I crossed 13.1 at 1:14:52, about exactly where I wanted to be. I was feeling good and tried to stick with that pace.

13-18 is all rolling hills but my average was about 5:40 and I was still feeling good. 19 and 20 are more uphill and I started to feel it. 21 and 22 are flat and down and they went well.

23-26 are mostly flat. At 24.5 my left calf started to cramp. Despite feeling decent I was forced to slow down to prevent the cramp. The rest of the race was a balance between pace and calf cramp.

The last .2 were a mix. I was in the lead and getting a lot of fanfare but my calf was on the verge and I had to slow down to around 8 min pace and run kind of dramatically on my heels! Thankfully I crossed the finish line before it went completely.

After a few short, awkward interviews, and the awards ceremony, I headed home.

I am glad I did it! Despite the kind-of-disastrous race, it was fun to win and all in all a great experience.

I took water at nearly every water stop. I took a Roctane Gu at the start, 7 and 14. I really should have taken another at 19 or so but my stomach was upset the whole race and I didn't want to push it. It's possible I could have avoided the whole cramping thing with better in-race nutrition.

1 comment:

Sojourners Racing Team said...

Great recap, Mike! Love hearing that you did so awesome while pushing through some terrible pain, it's always cool to hear the store of what really goes on in a race. Nice work!