Sunday, May 3, 2015


Since I am pretty new to half marathons, I was apprehensive about attempting a half the Tulip Half, but I couldn't turn down getting comped. Unfortunately I had the same problem with this half that I had with my first two - side stitches. They came on at about mile two, mostly on my right side, and then just continued in waves for the rest of the race. I think is has something to do with my diaphragm because the pain intensifies as I try to go faster and breath harder. Once again, let me know if you have any advice. 

Out of the chute I ran with the lead group for a bit, with Dave Taylor out in front like always. I noticed a couple fast runners that I didn't know and started talking to one named David Olson. He asked me what I was shooting for and I told him I did around a 1:20 at the Tulip Fest, but I'd really like to break 1:11. He told me this course was surprisingly tough and I should expect to take 3 minutes off. When he said his goal was around a 1:10 I gave him the same answer, but he didn't seem to like that. He sped off and I told myself I'd try to pass him later. Anyway, it never happened. I passed Dave after a couple miles and ran by myself the rest of the way. Scott Keate and Mike Nelson were willing to pace me for a bit, but after about a mile they slowed down to an easy pace.

Other than that, it was pretty uneventful. The time wasn't great, but I'm not disappointed because I still got some money and I doubt I could have caught the guy in second even on a good day at this point in my training. 

Overall place: 3rd
Time: 1:15:05
Pace: 5:43/mi.

Great job by Dave, Melody, Jason, and Derick. 

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