Monday, July 6, 2015

Freedom Run Melody

This was the first year I tried out the 10k. I had heard a lot about it- mostly how tough the course was between the hills and the people weaving.  Turns out they were right!  

I went out with a pack of 4-5 women.  A former BYU teammate of mine, Maggie Chan instantly took the lead- but she hadn't gapped me much and I was feeling good so I made a gutsy decision to fly and die if it came to that.  I'm usually pretty conservative but I knew if I didn't try and stay with her I'd never have a chance. 

No one went with us and we ran together- with her slightly ahead until mile 4.  I briefly took the lead but she battled back and I tucked back behind her. With a little more than a mile to go I gained a slight lead and tried to stay strong on 9th East. It was so hard running through the 5k runners.  Ryle caught back up with me and I tried to focus ahead of me.  I was so tired when I finished so I know I gave it all I had. It was a huge unaided 10k PR for me. 

1st for women 

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