Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bryce Peterson- Utah Valley Half Marathon

June 13 2014
Well training has been going quite well since the last couple half marathon's I've ran, each one I keep improving my time. The Utah Valley half was a little surprisingly hilly and this would be my first year on the new course. I held back for the first couple miles and then started to try to maintain a good pace (anything below 5:59) but the hills made that difficult. Further into the race at almost the end of the canyon rd and onto university ave I wanted to start gaining on some people in front of me and from what I noticed that I was gaining on them but not very fast (never fast enough it seems haha) at this point they seemed to be at least quarter mile away. I felt pretty good through the whole race and I was able to catch Sasha at mile 10ish, I felt like I had to push it at this point if I wanted to get a good time and I was pacing about 5:35-40 and Sasha was trying to draft behind me and pace off of me but I pushed it and he fell off. About a mile to go I caught another guy (he said," oh good your not Sasha" which made me laugh) and I was pretty much pushing as hard as I could until the very end to kick it in. Not extremely happy with the results but I just need to start putting in tempo's and track work outs speed in general and I should improve my time. Thank you Amber, Adam, Hawk, and others I missed for the chance to be apart of the sojourners racing team and to make it possible to still compete.

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