Monday, June 16, 2014

Orem Fire Fighters 5k

Fire fighters 5k  has always been a good one, the race directors do a good job.  They used to have a great prize drawing in the past but have sacrificed that for cash prizes---no complaints there.
thankfully this race was the same day as the Utah valley marathon, good for me bad for them it probably stole away most of the competition. On the other hand it led to me being reunited with uncle Ben.
Today's race is yet another segment on my epic burned out year, I have been trying to slacken my training to simulate a break without fully letting go of all training.  Legs felt good today, my biggest issue was I felt like I was going to puke the entire race.  My theories on this are 1- I am pregnant or 2 it is because the air conditioner is broken in my home, so I am forced to sleep with the windows open. To my surprise it was either a re-enactment of the battle at Gettysburg going on across the street or a group of chain smokers OD on mary jane.  Lets just say I woke up at 4:00 and my room felt like gas chamber, I almost through up and I was probably high on what ever the law of diffusion blew in through my window.  I thought about eating some charcoal in case I was poisoned, instead I just used the restroom and fell back asleep or passed out from the funky gasses.
Despite all of this the race was OK.  Good job to Adam Jenkins who ran a good race, gave me a little scare for a while.

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