Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Maesar Prep 5k - Melody

I was excited about my 5k on Labor Day so I thought I'd jump in another one.  Of course you can't really compare these races because one had only slight elevation gains and losses (Timpanogos), and the other was hilly hilly hilly (Maesar Prep).  Timp was also short while MP was long...but regardless I felt like it would be fun to compare my times.

For a smaller race (probably 200 participants) it was very well done.  It started right on time and they had people at every turn - although sometimes you had to ask them which way :)

I ran most of the race with a junior in High school.  I passed him going up the nasty Lindon hills in the third mile.  I felt really good and strong and was happy to only be a few seconds off my adjusted time in a much hillier course- and after a killer 6 mile tempo run sandwiched between the two races.

18:13 for 3.2 miles this is roughly 17:40 something if you convert.
1st overall

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